Saturday, April 15, 2023

Walk in the park

I made a quick trip to Canning River Regional Park at Kent Street Weir. I needed to get some more walks done as preparation for my next Camino and I’m getting a bit bored by the ones nearest home.

Near to Kent St Weir is a large area of samphire flats. They go from green to red if it’s too salty and then the ends just die:

Nature is very clever!

Later, I continued my research into camels and their produce. I ordered some dried milk online from DromeDairy:

The taste is perfectly fine, but it is very tedious to mix. It takes a lot of vigorous stirring or shaking, and even then a lot of lumps remain.

I discovered a rival camel farm north of Perth, which markets milk in bottles. They deliver to a few (very few!) outlets in my area once a week. Eventually I drove to a Halal butcher in Cannington and bought this for $13:

I like the taste and hope it is doing me good. I pay less than this for wine!


  1. Happy it works for you. I gave up milk when I left home, age 18.

  2. Without milk, what do you do about calcium for your bones? I like milk a lot and am interested to try the nutritional benefits of camel milk. It is said to be vastly superior to cow's milk.
