Tuesday, April 25, 2023


“Now that April’s here”… it’s time to go on Pilgrimage.

Not that I follow tradition of actually carrying a shell. It’s all extra weight, so I leave this one hanging on my balcony at home.

First you have to get yourself to Spain, no mean feat from Australia. The Emirates flight was not the best. In fact I might say it was the worst! Perth - Dubai was absolutely packed: not a single spare seat. Dubai - Madrid was almost as full. This meant the staff were rather overwhelmed and meal service was agonisingly slow. Eating dinner at midnight was no fun! I just wanted to sleep. I think it was one of the oldest planes in the fleet and I found the seat hard on my backside - but it is what it is and Emirates got me there on time.

Approaching Dubai.

Snowy mountains in Northern Italy.

Dry countryside near Madrid.

My window seat paid off. It was a lovely clear sunny day with lots of good views. Better than the Movie selection on Emirates, though I did watch Mrs Harris Goes to Paris.

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