Friday, May 31, 2024

A Bit of a Wash-Out

We’ve had heavy rain this week: rather a surprise after our long hot dry summer. On the old golf course opposite and all around the stadium, I observed preparations doing on for some mighty event. I’ve never seen so many marquees and stalls go up so quickly, so many fences being erected, so many trucks delivering god knows what. Of course, it will soon be WA Day, a long weekend of celebration. For me, this would mean a lot of unwanted noise.

The showers of rain got heavier; thunderstorms in the night came closer. It blew one of the fences down. Then, on Thursday afternoon, came an announcement that the event had been cancelled. No music blaring from 10.00 am till 9.00 pm. The field was waterlogged, they said, and a danger to the public.

Today, they started dismantling everything. I went out to survey the state of the water logging:

I had to stay on the path, where there were muddy puddles on either side. I imagined the rest of the ground would be even worse, where heavy machinery had made its way across. The people who had worked so hard to get everything ready now had to take it all down again. 

This was a stage, really high, just being dismantled.

Rows of toilets and rubbish bins showed how many visitors would have been expected.

My block is the one on the right, with more portable toilets in front.

At least my feet are warm and cosy in my Arne and Carlos socks. Matching wrist warmers are in progress.

1 comment:

  1. How sad for all the vendors; it's tough to lose a show's revenue. Great socks and great wrist warmers, too.
