Sunday, May 26, 2024

What’s on in Kings Park

It was a beautiful day for a visit to the Botanic Garden in Kings Park. I spent most of the time in the Endangered Species section, which cares for plants from various parts of Western Australia that may not survive in their native habitat.

Granite regions:

Information board juxtaposed with my photos.


Eucalyptus Macrocarpa

Of course, one of the big attractions is the huge Boab tree which was brought here by road from up north and transplanted in this spot:

I have to say it’s not looking the best, in spite of all the attention it receives, including covering its roots with a black tarpaulin to keep them warm in winter. There are wounds on the other side of the trunk incurred during transportation.

Looking down on the Old Swan Brewery, now offices and restaurants, where JL and his son used to work for a time with Multiplex.

A final warning!

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