Sunday, June 23, 2024

Caves Road

First on our agenda was a trip to the Deer Farm on Caves Road: always a favourite place to stock up with unusual eats. I like to pick up some venison chorizo. Since I was last here, they have hugely expanded their range.

They even sell these bones for dogs. Rocky enjoyed one for lunch and crunched it up in no time!

I also bought two venison pies, one made with dark ale and one with mushroom and truffle: frozen, so they are on our menu for tomorrow. C treated herself to a pale green hoodie, with a deer logo on the back.

Then we drove to Gracetown to get some sea air. Dogs aren’t allowed on the beach at this point, so we found an alternative path alongside. Rocky was full of beans, marching along with his ears in the air.

There was a heavy shower of rain in the night, so the locals will be pleased. We heard it drumming on the roof of our chalet.

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