Sunday, June 23, 2024

Yallingup Escape

E has gone to Melbourne. C and I are in Yallingup at a chalet in the woods, in the middle of nowhere. We traveled down in my Prius and Rocky seemed to like his spot in the boot because he could see out from a lying down position, even though there was not as much headroom as he is used to.

This is our chalet. It’s called Tree Change.

We had a picnic on the way near Bunbury.

On arrival, we had to make up the beds with our own sheets, not the normal holiday experience. Then we had to think about lighting the fire in the wood burning stove. 

This took a while, as most of the wood stored outside is a bit damp. I gathered lots of kindling from the drive way which was reasonably dry and C made good use of the fire lighters provided. The owner had suggested buying a bag of dry kindling logs from a service station on the way down. We might have to do that later in the week as rain is forecast on Wednesday. 

These Cowaramup cows are everywhere down here!

Wind chimes on the balcony.

Flowers just outside the chalet.

Inside the chalet, everything is well appointed and there is a surprisingly generous pantry cupboard. There was even a welcome bottle of red:

C had brought a frozen curry (Delia’s recipe) which we heated in the microwave and enjoyed with rice:

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