Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Stormy Night

Rain showers were forecast to come through the region last night and we knew that it would drum on the roof of our chalet. The rain was preceded by strong winds that kept setting off the sensor lights by the front door and shining into my bedroom. I couldn’t help thinking about potential natural disasters that appear daily on the news. What if there was a forest fire and we were in the middle of it? What if there was a landslide and my car slid down and crashed into our chalet?

All night long, it seemed as if I could hear water gushing along the gutters and gurgling down the downpipe. But this morning when I checked the rain gauge there was only a total of 3 mm in it:

Before breakfast I was keen to walk down to the previously dry creek bed at the bottom of the property, to see how much water was flowing down. Absolutely nothing! Maybe it’s been such a dry summer and autumn that all the rain had just soaked straight into the ground:

These 3 photos show the creek bed in both directions.


Our plan for the day was to drive to Margaret River to locate a recommended fishmongers. I bought a nice piece of snapper and C was tempted by a tray of oysters. We had a gourmet lunch (no champagne though!):

Crossing the busy road in Margaret River.

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