Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dalwallinu to New Norcia

In quirky accommodation, you meet some interesting people at meal times. Yesterday, I spoke to a woman who works for the Department of Agriculture and drives around the most remote parts of the State. Her job is to interview farmers about the size of their flock and the expected size of the grain harvest. This happens every year to help the Department in its forward planning.

At breakfast this morning, I chatted with a man who was absolutely covered in tattoos. There was literally no space left on his body for any more! He was born in the UK in Stratford on Avon and one of his most prized tattoos is of Shakespeare. When he migrated to Australia, he was shocked that hardly anyone recognised him:

He told me that this one on the top of his head was really painful when the needles went in! His job is in Pest Control and he goes around spraying for all kinds of pests. He actually lives in Como, not far from C. We might call him in for our rat problem: they eat all our figs, stripping the tree bare before we can get any.

Driving home this morning, I made a stop in New Norcia, Australia’s only monastic town. It was founded in 1846 as a Benedictine community. Once it was a thriving religious establishment, but now there are only 6 monks left. They make money from renting out accommodation of various kinds, including camping sites. I spent some time in the Museum and took these photos:

His travelling trunk: he made frequent trips back to Europe to raise funds for his venture.

Here he is sitting on the trunk in his cell.