Monday, September 16, 2024

Wongan to Dalwallinu

The caravan park has suddenly become full of A-Frame caravans, which fold down into camper trailers. They are part of a club, staying here for a week. As I was taking a photo, one of the owners (a woman on her own) invited me inside to have a look:

The bushwalkers were all leaving this morning to go back to Perth, but I was heading north to Dalwallinu. First, though, I wanted to fit in a visit to Christmas Rock, a nature reserve just on our doorstep. It’s interesting, in that the huge area of rock has been converted into a catchment to collect all the rainwater that falls on it. Originally, this water was needed to supply the tanks of steam engines passing through the townsite (steam engines need water to produce steam!)

Fields of everlastings came into view during the final part of the walk.

Then it was on to Dalwallinu to The Old Convent, where this fierce looking cat was guarding the entrance:


  1. Poor cat, saddled with that clanger of a necklace.

  2. I assume it's to stop the cat catching birds.
