Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mt Matilda Scenic Trail

On Saturday’s agenda was a 12 km drive west of Wongan Hills to the Mt Matilda trail head. Then there was a choice of a 7.3 km hike (approx 5 hours) or an easier Gimlet Gully Flora Loop (4.8 km 3.5 hours). Both started off together with a very steep section, including steps and a handrail. I chose the latter, whilst C and most of the others were keen on the former. H came with me.

It was a beautiful day, with clear blue skies and the possibility of views in all directions. When we were here before, a couple of years ago, it had been raining with persistent drizzle. Everyone was in high spirits at the thought of the views ahead of us. 

C took a selfie at one of the lookouts:

Here I am struggling up one of the steep bits:

We were tormented by flies as we got higher and the weather got warmer. I regretted the fact that I had several fly nets left at home! Apart from that it was a day to remember, with many wildflower sightings as we walked upwards:

The lookouts, with seats placed very close to the edge, were spectacular:

Don’t step back!

We saw lots of cowslip orchids:

…and several varieties of spider orchids:

Back down at the trail head, the view was equally lovely, as we all relaxed at the shelter and reminisced:

How lucky to be here on such a beautiful day!


  1. Whow what a beautiful day!! They said there would be strenuous sections!!
