Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rica Erickson Reserve

We didn’t join the bushwalking group on Sunday. I was keen to attend the Nats Guided Tour of the Rica Erickson Reserve, which is about 45 minutes drive back in the direction of Perth. From there, C could get a lift with one of the other participants in order to go back to work on Monday. Afterwards, I drove back to Wongan Hills so that I could have a few more days looking at wildflowers.

Everyone said they had never seen the Reserve looking so good. There were orchids on all sides and many other flowers as well (more than you could point a stick at, as the saying goes). J was in charge of the outing: she is a qualified botanist and is writing an illustrated guide to the wildflowers of this area. There were others in the group who were also expert at identifying what we found, including some locals who had met J before, when she was doing her research.

J telling us all about the Reserve 

A strange fungus (poo ball??) which sent out spores when I tapped it with my stick:

 After exploring for 2 hours, we set up our chairs in the sun and had lunch.

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