Thursday, October 19, 2017


It was a very cold morning when I emerged from my hotel and went across to have breakfast in the Albergue. A few late departure people were hanging around still, and one German girl was waiting till 11.00 am when she was getting a lift with the luggage transportation vehicle for Caminofacil.

As I left town about 9.30 am there was a heavy mist, almost like freezing fog. I only had about 7 kms to do and the Camino was straight and flat, alongside the canal. Both the Canal and its towpath was built up in parts, above the surrounding fields.

The Canal de Castile brought water and easy transportation to the region in 1773 and for the last 2 centuries Fromista has prospered as an agricultural centre. (In 1670, though, there had been a terrible famine because a plague of locusts had eaten all the wheat crop as well as the vines and all the other fruit). Before that the wheat was abundant and it became a breadbasket for the Roman Empire. The name Fromista is thought to come from the Latin word for cereal "frumentum".

In Fromista there was time for a warming cup of coffee and a chocolate croissant, as well as a quick photo of the Iglesia San Martin. This was based on the model of Jaca Cathedral and stone was brought from elsewhere at great expense, since there was none in the area.

I then had to retrace my steps back to the railway station which was close to the Fromista locks. At 12.09 there was a train down to Palencia which was on the main Burgos line. This was the start of my journey home.

Pilgrims leaving Albergue En El Camino at 9.00 a.m.

Misty scene on the Camino; sun trying to shine 

Building alongside the Canal de Castilla near Fromista

Approaching the lock gates at Fromista 

Ladder of multiple locks

The Camino crosses the lock on a narrow walkway

Church of San Martin, Fromista 

Fromista Railway Station 

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