Monday, October 2, 2017


I left my hotel at 9.00 am, having once again arranged to send my backpack with Jacotrans. It was a 13.5 kms day, ideal for an elderly pilgrim!

The way out of Logrono was well marked. The city has its own style of way marks set in the pavements. Through green parks, the Camino was well used by locals out for their morning constitutional- groups of retirees, keep-fit ladies, and all manner of dog breeds.  There were benches every 100 m and a few flowerbeds planted with a pink rose named Camino de Santiago. I was still on this well used track at 10.30 am, when I came upon a recreational area and possibly a camping ground.  The smell of the pine trees and the dry Spanish dust reminded me of all the camping trips we did in my 20's.

Then the Way crossed a reservoir embankment. I could see something was going on at the far end.  It turned out to be a demo by oldies demanding larger retirement pensions! There was even a police presence on motorbikes! (On Breakfast TV, I had been watching all the police violence during the Catalan Referendum and I thought it was part of that).

I soon came to a cafe overlooking the reservoir and enjoyed a second breakfast of coffee and an omelette sandwich. The sun was coming out and the day was getting warmer. Autumn colours were everywhere.

Nearer to Navarrete, the track runs nearer the highway and pilgrims have put lots of little crosses on a fence.

Street art in Logrono

Water for pilgrims 

Pensioners protest

Refreshment stop

No picking the almonds-though I picked up two off the ground 


These bulls used to be everywhere, advertising Veterano Osborne, but now there are hardly any left 

Remains of an old pilgrims hospital San Juan de Acre - 12th century

Approaching Navarrete

"Pellets for sale". These are compressed wood pellets for wood burning stoves. They are made here from all sorts of rubbishy plywood.


  1. Thanks to Rachel I found your blog. I love reading about the Camino. And you are doing it Your Way!
    Maybe one day I will do it My Way!
    Keep walking, or riding, keep writing

  2. It gives me something to do during the siesta!
