Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Carrion to Moratinos

Bus to Terradillos then 3.4 km walk.

The Meseta is hard work when it’s hot! I escaped most of it thanks to ALSA. Rejecting the idea of stuffing myself with more delicious food at San Zoilo (expensive but good!), I left with just a coffee and headed back over the bridge into Carrion:

Looking back at the Monastery at 8.30 am.

I had a few hours to kill before the bus was due at 11.51 am. I should have done some more serious sightseeing, but I felt lazy. I passed by the Santiago Church with its impressive Romanesque door:

The bus stop is right outside the Bar de Espana, which is ideally placed for maximum pilgrim trade. I sat myself down outside and listened to all the conversations going on around me. One person said that 20 people had to sleep in Pamplona bus station as there were no beds to be had. One man hadn’t realised that he needed to purchase a bus ticket online. He had been sitting there oblivious for longer than me before the lady in the bar came to his assistance. When the bus finally arrived, it was almost full - and it was a big bus. In the past, I’d known the bus driver to hang around drinking coffee for half an hour. No such luck for him today with so many people to deal with, some going right on to Sahagun and Leon.

When the bus arrived at Terradillos it was behind schedule. It had to keep getting on and off the motorway in order to reach the drop off points in the small villages en route. My last hour’s walk up to Moratinos was hard going because of the heat in the middle of the day (27 degrees). Google Maps also placed Hostal Moratinos in the wrong place and tried to send me back the way I’d come.

Finally, I’m here and this is the view from my window:

Waiting for dinner, I strolled round the village and took a few pics:

My room is upstairs on the far left of the 5 on the balcony.

Entrance to one of the wine cellars.

Kids yarn bombing.

1 comment:

  1. Moratinos seems to be a very interesting town. I am in favor of the yarn bombing.
