Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Villarmentero to Carrion 9.7 km

Another lovely day for walking: breakfast was not served till 8.00 am, but everyone was keen to get on the road early, to beat the heat. We were served quite a substantial breakfast (by Spanish standards) - ham, cheese, French omelette, toast and jam.

Leaving La Casona de Dona Petra at 8.30 am.

The morning was clear. We could see for miles.

This is the “senda” with the church at Villalcazar de Sirga ahead.

I stopped there for a coffee, but the church was not open till 11.00. I didn’t want to hang about for another 20 minutes, so I pressed on.

Medieval pilgrim with his refreshment.

I had booked a somewhat luxurious room at Monasterio de San Zoilo, now a hotel with several stars. This is it:

I had a late lunch of grilled squid (“chipirones”) and a glass of rose:

Elegant dining room.

I enjoyed a long siesta after that, took a bath, washed my clothes and then set about the tedious task of booking an ALSA bus ticket for tomorrow:


1 comment:

  1. Your trip has been kind to you, so far. Decent, even beautiful weather. Decent to "decadent" accommodations. And good food. I think I might have hung around for that cup of coffee.
