Monday, May 15, 2023

Molinaseca to Ponferrada

By taxi for rest day in Ponferrada.

I called a taxi to pick me up outside El Reloj at about 8.30 this morning. It was Luis again. This time, we actually managed a simple conversation without the aid of Google Translate. He dropped me near to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento (the main square) and I could see my hotel across on the other side:

It was busy with people just leaving, including a big group of cyclists. Their support vehicle was parked nearby and being loaded up with masses of luggage plus a few spare cycles. It was like a big furniture van. Not everyone was cycling today, it seemed, as I saw 3 girls set off sightseeing round town.

These two were having their photo taken with the clock tower behind. This clock is an important monument as it’s all that remains of the medieval city walls.

I left my backpack inside the hotel as I knew I wouldn’t be able to check in till after lunch. Just down the hill is Ponferrada’s most famous landmark: the Castle. It’s a strange building, part of it having fallen into disrepair and then been reconstructed. At one stage, the city fathers sold off a lot of its stone and this was used in other projects nearby. I gleaned all this from the English speaking guide who was addressing an American tour group. I “did” the Castle last time I was here, so I didn’t need to go in.

Instead I went to do a bit of shopping and soon located a really good grocery, which had plenty of cherries on display:

On the same street was a cheese shop, which had a big selection, including 2 wheels of Blue Stilton:

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