Thursday, May 4, 2023

Moratinos to Sahagun 9.5 km

Dinner yesterday (mixed salad, pork loin and chips) was nothing special but did the job. A Korean group enjoyed themselves:

Today has seen a huge change in the weather. I’ve felt cold for the first time on this Camino, with a fresh breeze whistling across the Meseta. The temperature only reached 20 degrees in Sahagun and the sun kept disappearing.

Looking across to San Nicholas where I stopped for breakfast.

Fresh orange and a snail.

Just before Sahagun is the interesting site of Virgen del Puente, a hermitage dating back to 1174:

There have been some sporadic attempts at excavating the area outside:

The floor has patterns of ferns, but it all needs preserving. My late husband would not have left an archaeological site in this state. See:

This spot is also the exact half way mark for the Camino Frances:

… and now to Sahagun where I can dig out some warmer clothes!

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