Friday, May 12, 2023

Santa Catalina to Rabanal 11km

There was a generous spread for breakfast at Via Avis, including a selection of local cold meats, cheese and jamon, more than I could possibly eat before a morning’s walk. This was all set out on each table, so I made myself a doggy bag to enjoy later. The high standard of their catering was not to be wasted!

I was sad to leave. This must be one of the best places to stay on the Camino. The whole of the little town is looking very prosperous, with many of the houses tastefully renovated. Others are falling down, but could become excellent “fixer-uppers”.

When I came to the first stop at El Ganso, I found the famous Cowboy Bar all closed up. There was an Albergue and Bar just opposite, where I was told that Mr Cowboy was sick.

This is the Church at El Ganso, with an impressive storks nest on the tower, a sort of double decker nest. The stork was busy feeding her babies on top.

It has been an extremely cold day, with temperatures ranging from 2 to 10 degrees and the freezing headwind making everyone wrap up their faces. The sun came and went as we all made our way to Rabanal.

Beside the trail were big clumps of lavender as well as bright yellow gorse bushes everywhere.

Going through an oak wood as we neared Rabanal, this pale pink flower was prolific.

Then I came upon a very sad scene. There was a tight blind bend in the road. A car had come round too fast and had hit a large dog, an Alsatian I believe. A man was distraught, trying to comfort it, but it couldn’t be saved. It’s my friend’s guard dog, he said. It had been off the lead and had just run across the road.

Cows with large horns outside Rabanal.

I’m now relaxing at tonight’s accommodation in Rabanal, the Hosteria El Refugio. My room had one of those half baths found in older places in Spain. The water was boiling hot and I needed a long soak to warm up. It was necessary to double up your body in order to fit in, and quite hard to get out again! When I did manage it, I was delighted to discover that the radiators had come on - unexpectedly for May.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the hot bath and radiators. 2 is too close to freezing.
