Friday, August 15, 2014

Boadilla del Campo to Villalcazar de Sirga, 4 May (21 kms)

I awoke to a cold sunny morning.  I had an apple and an orange for breakfast before setting off around 8.00 a.m., one of the last pilgrims to leave town, I suspect.  It was a delightful walk beside the Canal de Castilla, built around 1750 in the heyday of canals.  It had many informative noticeboards about the birdlife, flora and history.  Just outside Fromista was a staircase of 4 locks, apparently now disused.

I chatted again to American Emily, a young and feisty girl travelling on her own, whom I had first met in Hontanas albergue.  She had been working for an NGO in Rwanda, as an administrator trying to improve health clinics, under the auspices of the Clinton Foundation.  Her task had been to set up a training model so that Rwandans would be able to duplicate it throughout the country. 

In Fromista I had a lovely breakfast in a warm café and managed to get the Internet terminal working with Emily’s help.  All these coin operated terminals are different, and not well used because people en route are using their own wi-fi equipment and mobile phones.  Emily herself  was looking for a place to stay for a few days in Leon.  She had a severe chest infection and wanted to seek medical advice at a special clinic for pilgrims.

I had a quick look at the “jewel of Fromista”:  Iglesia de San Martin, an 11th  century  church and one of the finest examples of pure Romanesque in Spain, now deconsecrated.

The day was getting hotter and it seemed a long trek beside the road (“senda”).  I stopped for a late lunch at Villamentero de Campos, where a strange albergue had attracted a large crowd of pilgrims.  There was a big garden with hammocks and a tepee, which are available for the night at €3 in summer  (a bit too cold at present!)

I pressed on to Villalcazar de Sirga and found a room at Las Cantigas, unfortunately directly above the bar;  but all this quitened down in time for me to get a really good night’s rest.  I didn’t wake up till 7.00 a.m. when I saw the first light of sun promising another nice day for the Camino.  I was able to get a café con leche and a croissant downstairs when the bar opened at c. 8.00 a.m.

Walking beside the canal

Staircase of locks

Informative notice board

Iglesia San Martin, Fromista

Romanesque detail

Romanesque detail

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