Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hornillos to Hontanas, 1 May (12 kms)

View from my window at Isar
Hornillos albergue on the right

We were driven back to Hornillos to continue the Camino just after 8.15 a.m.  I stopped to buy a banana at the friendly grocers, since I observed the French group stocking up with supplies.  I should have bought one of their chunks of cheese as well.  There were lots of pilgrims, walkers and cyclists, on the track.  It was another lovely Spring morning, with lilacs out in the gardens.  There was a big public swimming pool at the end of town, but the water would have been freezing!

After about 1.5 hours I stopped for coffee at the tiny albergue of San Bol, just to see what it was like. There were only 12 beds, but it was in a lovely sheltered spot in a hollow, just off the Camino.  The lady there made delicious coffee from a splendid Nespresso-type machine.  I chatted to a German and a Czech guy until the 4 French arrived from Isar.

San Bol
It was not a bad walk down to Hontanas, but there was no room there at the inn, at least no private rooms anywhere, even at 11.45 a.m.  People were already spilling out of the various bars and albergues on the main street, so as more and more people arrived, I thought it better to secure a bed in a dorm at El Puntido.  At least I got a bed near a window in a room for 7, and not in a bunk.

Outside Albergue El Puntido

I sat around in the sun all afternoon, both outside the albergue itself, opposite the church, and then on a high point in their garden with a tremendous view over the whole village.  I chatted to a Danish lady who was sunning herself up there.  The church clock struck every hour and some geese cackled in response.  Sometimes a cock crowed as well.  Would this go on all night?  (It did, minus the cock, who knew it was sleep time!

I had the pilgrims' meal at 7.00 p.m.  There was a bewildering choice of 5 dishes in each of 3 courses.   I chose paella, chicken and chips and yoghourt.  At bedtime, I knew it would be a challenge with 4 men and 2 older Spanish ladies in the dorm.  Sure enough, there was plenty of snoring, first one would start, then another, then another.  I realised too late I should have taken a pill, but I didn't want to add to the general disturbance by rustling in my bag.  I heard midnight strike, and later 3.00 a.m., then no more after that!  As I lay awake, I resolved to avoid dorms at all costs in future!

Sunbathing with a view over the town


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