Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Castrojeriz to Boadilla del Campo, 3 May (20 kms)

It was a long trek to the far side of Castrojeriz, followed by a tough climb up the hill onto the Meseta.  I stopped halfway up and a woman took my photo with the view!  It took 2 hours to reach a place that sold breakfast.  In a one-horse town, a young guy on a bike was riding around offering vouchers for a free glass of wine with lunch.  I ordered their "English Breakfast" for 4 Euros and asked for the wine "para llevar" in my 250 ml bottle.  This town was Itero de la Vega, which was approx. half way to my destination at Boadilla del Camino, where I had booked a private room in the popular albergue "En el Camino".

When I arrived there, it was positively teeming with peregrinos, lying around on the grass or sitting in the sun having a beer.  The private rooms were in a newly built annexe, with a magnificent wooden front door, modelled on the sun motif on the medieval church door across the square.  The only problem, it was impossible to open or close as there was no outside handle.

The rooms were brand new, with electronic shutters and all mod cons.  When I tried to make a cup of tea, I discovered I had left my adaptor behind yet again!!  The Señora kindly gave me a flask of boiling water - maybe that is always available in Spanish hotels, if only you ask for it.

Medieval church door

Modern hostel door

Pilgrims arriving at the albergue

View of the church from my window

I went over to the albergue for the pilgrims' meal at 7.00 p.m.  It was sopa de ajo  and either fish or beef stew.  I chose the latter as it was a mistake:  very tough!  The young owner, Eduardo, was standing at the door collecting money as people left: a nice little earner for him as there were c. 50 people packing the 2 dining rooms.  I paid 30 Euros for the room and 10 Euros for the meal.  I had a very good night's sleep as there was no noise from anywhere.

Bridge leaving Castrojeriz


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