Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sahagun to El Burgo Ranero, 7 May (17 kms)


Arco San Benito, Sahagun

Stork and vines beside the senda

Bird sanctuary in El Burgo Ranero

Amazing what a good night's rest will do for a body!  I had even been contemplating going by bus to Leon, but now I felt up to walking again:  17 kms or so to El Burgo Ranero.  I was bewildered by the choice of places to visit in Sahagun, according to the guidebook.  I knew I really ought to stop, but it was early in the morning and I was anxious to get on the road.  My quick glance and quick photos did not do the town justice.

En route, I saw these graffiti: MEAT IS MURDER, to which someone had responded: TASTY, TASTY MURDER!  I stopped at a nice bar at Bercianos for a beer and an ague con gas.  The friendly Croatian man and Spanish wife let me use their personal computer to send an email.  Unfortunately it was a Croatian keyboard with the z and the y crossed, so it was difficult to respond to a message from Ellie, which said that she was sad that group fitness had been cancelled in favour of making a Mothers Day card!

It was a hot final walk into El Burgo Ranero, and the 2 hostales with private rooms in the town centre were already full when I arrived.  However, they sent me on to a lovely newish albergue on the edge of town.  This was called La Laguna, near a bird sanctuary, which had private rooms and a beautiful garden, with lounge beds out on the grass.  After a couple of hours lounging, I stilled back into town for a pilgrims' meal at Piedras Blancas: vegetable soup, delicious sole w. salad, orange.  The white wine was undrinkable, though.  Luckily I had indulged in a G and T as a pre dinner drink!

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