Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Onslow to Carnarvon to Geraldton

Two long days driving, with temperatures dropping gradually from 30 degrees to 20 degrees as I progressed south. There was little traffic in my direction, but every caravan in Perth was heading north, as well as 4WDs loaded up with camping gear, spare petrol cans and boats. I was a bit jealous that their holidays were just starting while mine was ending. Still, we had a great time before JL’s accident and he was really pleased to be able to re-visit familiar spots and old haunts one more time. He sounded quite cheerful on the phone from the hospital, but it will be a slow recovery at his age, I imagine (tough as he is!)

In Carnarvon I stayed at the Hospitality Inn and enjoyed their restaurant again. I ordered Rankin Cod with miso crust and roast vegetables, on a bed of hummus. The photo doesn’t do it justice:

Arriving in Geraldton, there was a big black cloud overhead and it was raining out to sea. I had to look for some warmer clothes before I could walk along the promenade.

I love this octopus:

At the Ocean Centre Hotel, I got a ground floor room facing the ocean and ordered Shark Bay Whiting from the Provincial Restaurant nearby, which promises to arrive as room service in 25 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you driving on through. Exactly what I would do. Stay careful, though. It's good to hear JL is recovering properly.
