Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Pt Samson to Pardoo

I went for another early morning walk to Honeymoon Cove. There is a lot of interesting rock formations. They are extremely old, geologically, and have been twisted and turned, and heated, with the resulting fine striated structure now evident. This has given rise to their use by aborigines as pigments.

Leaving Onslow, we went a few kms into the slightly bigger settlement of Wickham to buy a few things at Woolies. There was a lot of choice here, so it obviously serves quite a big catchment. I bought a cooked chicken, some coleslaw, tomatoes and even strawberries! We needed supplies, as tonight’s accommodation is a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere.

We paid a quick visit to the historic town of Cossack. Nobody seems to live there any more, though it claims to have a hotel. We took a few photos and got back on the road. It has gone downhill a lot since we were last here.

There were lots of road trains on the highway between Karratha and Port Headland. We by-passed these and went straight on to Pardoo, arriving at about 4.00pm. No wi-fi, no phone reception and no TV so early to bed! No mozzies, though, and just 3 grey nomads in their caravans.

A couple of photos from Cossack:


On the road again:

Morning tea stop.

One of many road trains shooting by.

Our basic accommodation at Pardoo:

We were in a donga.  Next door was an old timer with a smokers cough. He told me he was on his way to work in the Northern Territory, but would have to wait till the borders opened. He didn’t seem worried about the situation!


  1. Thanks for the wonderful pictures, especially the rock formations and the "road trains". We call those tandems, here on our roads. Hate, hate, hate to pass them.

  2. Re enlargement of photos:
    I use an app on my IPhone to post my blogs. It is quick and easy, but it does not facilitate what you want (that is “click and enlarge”). If I post directly to Blogger this does work - however, it’s hard to work on Blogger from the small screen of my phone. At your end you can enlarge my photos manually, by using two fingers to “stretch” the pictures.
