Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Perth to Geraldton

We came via the Indian Ocean Drive, possibly the wrong choice since there were multiple roadworks which slowed us down. There have been fatal accidents on this stretch of road and attempts are being made to upgrade it. Speed limits of 60 or 80 km per hour were in force and numerous signs warning drivers to Keep Left in German, French and Chinese. On a quiet road it’s so easy to forget where you are and set off on the wrong side. I did it myself years ago in Majorca!

We stopped for lunch at Jurien Bay and JL carried our chairs down to the beach. It was a lovely sunny and still day and we had the place to ourselves. In Geraldton we checked into the Ocean Centre Hotel. We got a nice room on the 4th floor with a sea view, but there was only an hour of daylight left for a walk along the prom. After that we claimed our free drinks at the bar, which (surprisingly) was packed. The car park was also full, so there are plenty of people on the move this week.

Sushi for dinner from across the road. It’s a warm night . We can listen to the waves rolling in and watch the twinkling lights which mark the passage into the harbour.

Early morning view:

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