Sunday, November 12, 2023


B L D on our daily schedule meant that all meals would be provided as part of the tour. Occasionally, we had to find our own lunch or dinner, but breakfast was always provided in our hotel. Japanese people love a hot bowl of rice into which they stir a raw egg. On Day One, I thought this was a hard boiled agg and cracked it on the table to take off the shell. This was a bad move! After that, I always looked out for a Western breakfast: fruit, natural yoghourt, two cups of coffee and sometimes French toast. One day, we had a bento box on the train:
A big treat in the afternoon was finding somewhere to buy a matcha ice cream:
Group dinner in Kanazawa: DIY cooking over the gas burner:
We had another meal at a Cooking School:
A quick snack in Kyoto:
More food in Kyoto:
Two sisters deciding where to start:
Tea ceremony demonstration:
Had to try the golden arches just once; Ruthe refused to come with me!
Huge bowls of soba:
Sashimi: always fresh, always deicious, always beautifully arranged:
Dinner with Kitty and Lemon after another Onsen:
Another pretty set lunch:
On our last night in Osaka, Mayumi could finally close her eyes:
I've written this post before breakfast on Monday morning. Now I'm going to have muesli with banana and yoghourt. No photo required!