Sunday, November 12, 2023


 I invited myself to Como for Sunday lunch, in order to distribute a few presents. Guess what was on the menu: noodles with veggies. Beggars can't be choosers (no offence!)

E asked me about Japanese food, so I've tried to think about some of the best meals we had. Before I do this, a word about noodles.  Japan has 2 types: udon and soba. In the south of Japan, it's mainly soba. These are thick and chewy and made from buckwheat flour, which grows in that region. We actually had a class from two old ladies up in the mountains. There was a hand held millstone so that we could try our hand at grinding the flour. I took a few grains of buckwheat away with me and later in the trip they all spilled out onto the seat of the taxi and the driver picked up every one from his immaculate white seat cover and handed them back to me without a word!

Buckwheat grains and a toothpick

By far the best thing I ate in Japan was Kobe beef on a skewer, straight from the BBQ. It is marbled throughout and just melts in the mouth. I didn't realise it at the time, but we were not destined to have any more, since it is incredibly expensive. We had this on our first night and I talked to the manager about it: he was Italian/Moroccan.

Tempura prawns and veg

Grilling the Kobe beef skewers

To be continued...

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