Monday, November 6, 2023

Into the mountains of Shikoku

Rihga Royal Hotel: I tried to write a bad review on Trip Advisor:

Aircon failed altogether! The room was small and REALLY hot all night long. We had a terrible night after a very hot and humid day sightseeing.

I’m not sure if it was posted or not!

On the island of Shikoku , there is a pilgrimage route which visits 88 temples. This looks like ideal walking country. I would love to do it, but I’m too old now.

We visited an indigo dying establishment and had a lecture on the process from start to finish. Then we learned how the various patterns are made, using sticks and elastic bands. In some cases you can use marbles as well. We were each given a men’s cotton handkerchief to work with. Then we had to sink it into the bath of indigo dye three times, using rubber gloves. Finally we rinsed it out in clean water and then hung it outside to dry in the wind. It was very windy this morning. Everyone was extremely pleased with their efforts. I found the whole experience a big improvement on the ball making of yesterday. I got a lot of help from one of the girls in making sure the elastic bands were really tight.

After lunch (pizza for a change!), we drove up to the Oboke Ravine for a “pleasure boat” trip. Not quite white water rafting, but exciting nevertheless. “On both sides of the river you can see rows of huge rocks. This type of rock is called crystalline chest. They contain a small amount of conglomerate shist and the conglomerate shist was formed about 200 million years ago..

Looking down on the gorge from the carpark 

Waiting for the boat 

1 comment:

  1. Dying with indigo is different from most other dyes for wool.
