Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Pay it Forward

Today I did a very stupid thing. I went out shopping without my credit card. First stop: to buy petrol. I put $20worth into the tank and went to pay. Total embarrassment! It came to me that my card was at home, still in my money belt from my holiday. A queue was forming behind me, everyone eager to pay and be on their way, probably thinking Stupid Woman! At the counter, I had to give them my drivers licence and they gave me an invoice slip.

Then, the girl behind me in the queue offered to pay for me. But I don’t know you, I said, amazed. She just said Pay it Forward and smiled. The kindness of strangers. Incredible! I’m just pleased that I hadn’t filled the tank. The Prius goes a long way on $20.

1 comment:

  1. Pay it forward is a good way of life. I've both seen it and done it.
