Thursday, November 9, 2023

Night at Narita

Mt Fuji this morning 

I travelled by Shinkansen from Osaka to Tokyo: about 2.5 hours. I managed to see Mt Fuji this time: only the summit was covered in cloud. The train was packed. I had a seat in A row, a window seat, but E row on the other side is where you need to be to see the mountain.  But I was looking out for it on Google maps and succeeded in getting a really good view.

After that, I had to negotiate the chaos of Tokyo Station and find the platform for the Narita AirPort Express: not an easy task amidst the busy lunchtime crowds. It took me more than an hour and 2 stops at an Information Kiosk, with a quick lunch at a Starbucks. I wanted to stay at a Capsule Hotel at Narita, just for the experience, but only male rooms were available. I finally settled for the Nikko Airport Hotel in a single room. This proved to be a good move and I’m just enjoying an Italian buffet in their Serena Restaurant.


Christmas is coming

Desserts in the plural!