Thursday, December 31, 2015

Boxing Day

We went to South Beach Fremantle for a morning swim.  After a hot night, it was a good place to be.  Claire swam to the pontoon and dived off it.  JL watch the proceedings from his deck chair.

On Saturday evening, I had booked a special treat for us: dinner at Nobu, the Japanese Restaurant at the Casino. The service and the food were both excellent!  We ordered some of their recommended speciaties, including black cod miso, soft shell crab with watermelon and spicy tempura prawn. Claire wanted to try the yellow tuna sashimi and JL the ocean trout with crispy spinach.  Everything was delicious!

Claire with her sashimi

John shows off his Christmas braces

The chefs are busy

Afterwards we had a look at the Christmas decorations in the foyer of the hotel.  JL is in silhouette.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas lunch in the garden at Como was a small but select gathering.  On the menu was blinis with caviar, barramundi on the BBQ, followed by a mini Xmas pudding with brandy flavoured cream. To drink, there was a bottle of Veuve Cliquot provided by one of Claire's clients.

Cooking blinis and modelling my Christmas apron from Christine

John looks forward to the blinis and caviar

Claire mans the BBQ in the hot sun

Barramundi is served!

A small piece of Christmas pud