Sunday, January 29, 2017

Smiths Beach

Smiths Beach

Whilst the others returned to Perth, JL and I drove south for four day's rest at Smiths Beach Chandlers Cottages near Yallingup. This was definitely a move down market after Seashells!  No aircon or dishwasher!  Lots of noisy kids next door!  However, we enjoyed the views up the coast towards Sugarloaf Rock, plus lots of native wildlife: little birds flitting about in the bushes opposite, kangaroos and magpies calling for a feed every evening. Also, the free wi-fi was excellent 24/7 (unlike other places we've stayed at).

The weather turned very windy. The big surf was scary, so I daren't go in the sea. I did manage one swim in the Margaret Rivermouth. It is closed in most of the year by the build-up of sand and is a favourite place for kayaking.

View from our cottage

JL feeding the kangaroo from our veranda.  Magpies look on, waiting their turn.

Big surf at Margaret Rivermouth

Kite flying on the sandbar at Margaret Rivermouth

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Peel Zoo

Peel Zoo 

C and E like to visit Peel Zoo every year to say hello to the native animals. Sometimes they can handle and feed them.  It is half an hour inland from Mandurah and makes a nice day's outing.  They have a serious breeding programme for Tasmanian Devils, which are an endangered species in the wild because of a contagious facial tumour disease. This eventually prevents them from killing and eating their prey.

E trying to take a selfie

JL and E with a ferret.  This one tried to get inside JL's shirt!

One of the zoo's experts telling us about the Tasmanian Devil breeding programme

Tasmanian Devil

Feeding a wallaby

C feeding two emus


Koala suddenly awake



After Christmas, Aussies head for the beach.  We went to Mandurah, less than an hour's drive down south. In the old days, this was as far as most Perth people ever travelled to their beach shack or caravan park.  Then they started going to Bali.  Now it's coming back into favour and becoming quite smart.

My sister C and brother-in-law P were visiting from England.  Together with C and E, we rented adjoining apartments at Seashells in Dolphin Cove. Seashells is right on the beachfront, so you can step out for an early morning swim in the calm and shallow waters of the bay.  Just perfect for anyone (like me) who is scared of big waves!

C and E getting in holiday mood by the pool at Crown Metropole before we left Perth

E in Mandurah, showing off her trendy new hat and sunnies

Waiting for our boat to arrive for a canal trip

Boat arriving

Enjoying an ice cream after a delicious dinner at Silk Thai Restaurant 

Penguin painting in the foyer of Seashells