Saturday, November 26, 2016

Next door

Crown Towers

We've watched this being built on our left for the past couple of years.  Now its finished and opens this week. Fortunately it doesn't really obstruct our view  and they have done a wonderful job landscaping the grounds. On their video, you can see our apartment block to the far left of the aerial photo.

Photo taken from our balcony at 7.30 pm this evening, showing the city on the right and Crown Towers on the left.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Even bigger families (Ann's 90th)

A great evening was enjoyed by all at the Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, celebrating the 90th birthday of JL's sister. She has 3 sons, 9 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren; babies not invited to the party though!

Arriving  (Disey's photo)

View over Freshwater Bay

John enjoying a drink on the breezy terrace

Brother and sister
John and Shelley

Ann with her cake

Ann with her 9 grandchildren
Guests enjoying their dinner

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Big families

Gang of pelicans near the new stadium building

Q: What on earth is going on behind us? We used to have peace and quiet here!
A:  It's a white elephant. Why don't they spend the money on schools, hospitals and bird sanctuaries?

It's normally very difficult to see baby pelicans, but there may be some young ones in this group

A family of about 12 ducklings. They are huddling together here to keep warm in the cold wind
 near the river. The father stands on guard against potential predators, especially dogs.

We attended the annual Kimberley Society Lecture this week:

The lecture described several techniques which are being developed by different research teams. Previously the only techniques had been used in France, a predominantly limestone area, whereas in the Kimberley the paintings are on sandstone.

The Drysdale river is derived from erosion upstream. Erosion rates are very low. So many paintings just fall off. (1 mm per 1000 years in some places). But there are higher erosion rates in higher escarpments. In rock shelters, where paintings occur, slabs of rock fall off and can be dated before and after the fall.

Mud wasp nests and remnants can be dated from all the organic materials they contain.

Mineral accretions on rocks have quite a complicated composition. When next to a piece of art, the pigment is bleached in banded fringes. Samples of accretions can be scraped off and taken back to the lab for testing and dating.

Using all these various techniques, accurate dating goes slowly, but rock art going back to 20,000 years has been definitely established.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Shopping in Jinli Street, Chengdu

The following photos were taken on the afternoon of 19 September, when we were taken for a stroll down Jinli Street in Chengdu. I had to use my back-up camera, as my iPhone was full. I think they are slightly better quality, though.

Margaret chooses a calligraphy brush

Tea shop
