Thursday, February 28, 2019

Camino books

I treated myself to a lovely book for Christmas:
The Art of Medieval Spain A.D. 500-1200.
It was published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is full of beautiful pictures and scholarly text.

This week, there was a pile of free books in the foyer of our building, put there by someone having a clear-out. Amongst them was this gem:
Romanesque architecture, sculpture, painting
published by Konemann. It is equally heavy and informative (and a FREEBIE!)

They both contain detailed photos of places I've visited on the Camino, such as Fromista, Leon, Burgos, Santo Domingo de Silos to name a few, but also - regrettably - places I've missed, even though I've been nearby. Knowledge is power!

I must do better this year.

Naranco, near Oviedo 

San Isidoro, Leon

Toro, near Zamora, which I haven't seen because I didn't know about it!

Looking at Romanesque architecture is one of the reasons I go on a "Slow Camino".  This year I will be even slower.