Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day One To Chengdu

Our Cathay Pacific flight left Perth at 5 minutes to midnight.  It was absolutely full on a Saturday night. The announcement from the flight deck told us that the captain was a woman. The flight was somewhat turbulent, but I did manage about 4 hours sleep out of the 8. The food was just OK - I had a prawn stirfry, but the man next to me struggled with a huge piece of lamb backstrap that he was unable to cut up with the puny knife provided. Breakfast was not good either. I was in Premium Economy, but M and V were even worse off in Economy where breakfast was served in a little box with no hot food and no coffee offered!

(When I tried to post this earlier from Chengdu, I discovered that Blogger is one of many sites banned by the Chinese Govt.  However, on arrival in Hong Kong, I found that the ban didn't extend to there; I was free to post again, using my diary entries which I'd written every day throughout China).

Hong Kong Airport, 19 September, 9.00 a.m.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Spring in Perth

New babies everywhere!  This is a big family of ducklings.  The parents are on duty 24/7 looking after them.  If any predator comes too close, the babies are hurried into the water by Mum.  Dad stands guard onshore till they are all safely away.

There are 4 cygnets in this family.  Dad was particularly aggressive towards me as I approached with my camera.  He spread his wings and flew straight at me before I scrambled away.

Nothing to fear at Wireless Hill, where the wildflowers are in abundance after the winter rains.

Kangaroo Paws

Cats Paws


Top left: Bacon and Egg Plant; Top right: Granny's Bonnet; Bottom left: Orchid; Bottom right: Milkmaids

Donkey Orchids

Left: Wattle;  Right: Bacon and Egg Plants

Friday, September 9, 2016

Camino Confidential goes to China!

In a week's time, I'll be setting off with 2 intrepid girl friends to Yunnan in SW China. M and V have been doing a course on Chinese Culture and planning this trip for 6 months. I have agreed to go along and left all the organising to them! It's not a walking holiday (and I've been having trouble with my hip of late, and will have to get a replacement soon). It's more in the spirit of "adventure before dementia". JL says: "why on earth do you want to go there?"

Our itinerary is as follows:
Hong Kong
Zhongdian (aka Shangri La)
Hong Kong.

We will be travelling to some high altitude places, so fingers crossed we will be OK! Apparently oxygen canisters are available. The scenery should be spectacular.

Map of Yunnan in SW China

Seen in the travel agents' window today

I'm also reading "Lost Horizon" by James Hilton, a fictional account of Shangri La.

Because we are always agonising over what clothes to take with us, V sent this photo, suggesting it would make life easier:

I replied with this photo, showing - at the other extreme - my knickers with a secret pocket. As we will be travelling to remote regions where there may be no ATM's, a reserve of cash can be carried in this pocket.  It was cut from an old pair, to utilise the elastic on the waistband:

OK, I know I need to lose weight!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Weekend in Busselton

To celebrate Claire's birthday, we went to Mandalay Resort where we had booked a beachfront cabin. Friday afternoon was a bit wet, but we had beautiful Spring weather. We've had enough of Winter: it's been the coldest on Perth for 20 years.

Playing frisbee in front of our cabin

Dining at Al Forno: E put away her mushroom risotto in record time! C and I had fish pie and JL had Coq au Vin. We found room for Tiramisu for dessert.

JL's Coq au Vin: enough for a doggy bag!

Next morning, we went to visit S in Dunsborough and admired her new garden and "house with a view". We had a delicious morning tea. E scoffed several pieces of fruit bread (she admits to 4!)

We had a day of touring the area planned: sticking up with bread at the Yallingup wood fired bakery, Howard Park Winery for a crate of Cab Merlot, the Venison Farm for 3 chorizo sausages and finally the Candy Cow in Cowaramup, where E spent the $5 she'd found in her coat pocket - easy come, easy go!

E and C playing boules at Howard Park

At the bakery

We also visited Canal Rocks where the surf was the highest I've ever seen it.

Back at Mandalay, JL sat in the sun reading the weekend papers, while C and E had a long go on the bouncing pillow.

Sunday morning was departure day, but the weather was just right for a walk on Busselton Jetty. C and E raced the little train to the end.