Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Our regular Swan Valley excursion for E's birthday went down well.  Glorious weather after a freezing cold start to the day.  Winter is definitely here in the form of overnight low temperatures , though days have been warm and sunny.

Before going to our lunch booking at Sandalfords, we wanted to check out Mandoon Estate next door. This seemed to have attracted the crowds, going by all the parked cars, with its many dining options, including BBQ'd meat on the lawns, fine dining in the restaurant as well as beer and wine tasting. However, there appeared to be a ridiculous border war going on between Mandoon and Sandalfords, as a gate between the two is closed and fastened with a big padlock.  There was no access even for pedestrians. 

On a fine Sunday, both places seemed to have as many clients as they could handle, so what is the problem?  For lunch, JL and I enjoyed beef cheeks with a raviolo, C had a risotto with chorizo and prawns, whilst E had pasta w cheese sauce. To drink, there was a bottle of delicious Cab Merlot.

JL, C and E outside Mandoon

My new winter outfit amongst the vines

Beef cheek

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Progress Report: 3 months

I can now do everything I need to around the house, though getting stuff out of low cupboards is a bit hard. I can get in and out of bed easily, and I can sleep in any position I want.  Walking down to the river is still a problem.  It's about 3 kms round trip. I can feel my bad hip and have to go slowly. I've been doing without my stick. I wouldn't be able to keep up with the others on a bushwalk. I do this walk nearly every day, and try to remember not to limp!

I've been doing a physio programme prepared for me by JE, a brilliant young man who has written research papers with my surgeon on the subject of rehab after hip operations. He has a PhD in this. I see him once a fortnight and come away each time with 4 pages of exercises to do at home.  Some of these are against a theraband resistance or rolling an exercise ball around. I'm now doing sideways abduction exercises, which were a no-no at first. I have to make time every day to do a few. I also go once or twice a week to use the walking lane at Beatty Park Pool.  I'm doing all I can, but progress seems very slow. I need to be able to walk 15 kms before I can book a ticket to Spain.

A pod of pelicans in front of Crown

Perth Marathon last Sunday: a lovely winter's day of 22 degrees

A honeyeater who visits our balcony every day looking for food from this flower

Monday, June 5, 2017


We had a lovely day out in Mandurah on the last day of the WA long weekend. Beautiful weather for winter!

JL relaxing on the beach

E on a hammock

F and C at Nino's on the Dolphin Quay boardwalk

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Progress Report: 2 months 

I can now put on my own socks! I have been driving my car for two weeks, though it's still hard getting in and out, especially if parked in a tight spot. I still sleep on my back, but occasionally try on my stomach just for a change. My physio has also suggested lying on my side, with my bad leg up on 2 pillows.

At the weekend I walked 4 kms and 3 kms.  This was a record. Normally I do 2 kms just around the gardens here. On Sunday it was beautiful weather for the HBF Run for a Reason: thousands and thousands of participants going past the new stadium. The last contingent were doing a 4 kms circuit, so I decided to do some of it as well.

I finished the last of my strong painkillers (Targin containing oxycodone) and decided not to get any more. After that the Panadol Osteo didn't do too much on their own, so I've stopped those as well. I just got tired of popping pills every day and want to rid my body of all the toxins.

On Wednesday I had another appointment with my surgeon GJ.  He asked me why I was still using my stick!  It is a lightweight one I bought in China in a market, and I've got used to it. It helps me walk faster and also gives me confidence going up and down steps.  (JL's sister Ann fell on some steps this week and is back in hospital with a lot of bruising and a suspected cracked rib.  Every day, he asks me to be careful and I am! I don't want a set back like that).

Monster agave plant in the gardens

Base of agave plant

Crown's helicopter waiting to go on scenic flight over Perth

From my favourite seat by the river, watching pelicans