Wednesday, June 1, 2016


After a day full of hassle, I've finally arrived in Bayonne!  Bordeaux Station was even worse than Toulouse: it is being renovated, so there is scaffolding everywhere and its in semi darkness so it's hard to read the signs. Still, the train was only 5 minutes late.

Next problem: where to stay in Bayonne? It needed to be close to the train station from where a replacement bus to St Jean Pied de Port leaves at 7.45 a.m. Someone on the Camino forum recommended Hotel Monte Carlo, just across the road. It's a real dive, with only a wash basin in the small room, and the other facilities down the corridor. Beggars can't be choosers, so I handed over 35€ and took the key, grateful to have got here!

Photos from Toulouse St Sernin at lunchtime:

I'm just drinking a glass of rose before going in search of some dinner.

1 comment:

  1. The hotel sounds fine, just my sort of place. A glass of wine and a nice dinner and you will sleep like a log. Enjoy!
