Sunday, June 5, 2016

Roncesvalles to Vizkarreta

No wi fi at Corazon Puro, but there is across the road at La Posada, so I've begged the use of it here!

Roncesvalles to Vizkarreta

Last night I had dinner in the hotel with Sally and Karen from Perth and Gert from Holland. We had all stayed at Orisson. The dining room was quite busy, but I had reserve a table for 7.00 p.m. The menu was:
Cream of seafood soup
Beef cheeks in red wine sauce
Coffee flan.

Cost of Demi pension: 92.60€

I was in no hurry to get started today. My bed was warm and luxurious; outside was still misty. I had a slow breakfast, helping myself liberally from the buffet which offered many choices, including tortilla, cheese, various cold meats as well as all the usual breakfast items. The forecast was predicting sun by 10.00 a.m. and it was correct. Blue sky up on the mountain: I had chosen the wrong day to cross yesterday.

The way through the woods to Burguete was shady and above all perfectly flat. This village with its Hemingway associations was as far as I got last time; I was so exhausted from the previous day. I don't feel too bad this morning and can easily do 10kms to Vizkarreta.

Leaving Roncesvalles 


Looking up to the hills which are beautifully clear today. What a pity I didn't cross the Pyrenees today!

Corazon Puro Hostel, run by a Hungarian couple. My washing is out to dry on the balcony, top right!

They served a very nice dinner to 3 of us, including Angela from US and Jort from Germany. Menu:
Cheese and lettuce wrap in sauce
Turkey casserole with tortilla
Yoghurt with fruits

Today's expenses
Half board at Corazon Puro 20€

This was a real bargain. There were 5 bedrooms, each with 2 twin beds, so we all got our own room and shared a bathroom.

When I arrived at about 4.00 p.m., Barbara and Istvan were glued to the TV, watching the tennis final from Paris. They were supporting the Serb and were delighted when he defeated the Brit! They had a huge collection of books, mostly in English, but they also had John Brierley translated into Hungarian!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your blog... I really enjoyed reading it. It brought back some great memories. Too bad we never met - we ended up within one day of each other at Corazon Puro!
