Sunday, June 12, 2016

More Barcelona Delights

Sketch of La Pedrera, but the shop was closed so I couldn't buy it.

Ice cream shop - but I only had a fresh juice

Last supper in Barcelona: rabbit stew, followed by tiramisu 

Across the road from my hotel (unnoticed before) is a botanic garden, where people come to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Two acrobats were practising their moves, two others doing Japanese style fighting with sticks, one woman blowing huge bubbles and an art class sketching everything. Two police arrived on motorbikes to eject a vagrant who was sleeping in the palm house. All human life is here.

Botanic gardens: Palm house

Palm house interior: the roof is not glass, but wooden slats.

Gothic cathedral spire and taxi.

Street corner near my hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Your street corner near your hotel looked like many of my street corners and street photos in March. Lots of very similar streets in Barcelona. Interesting how everyone under 45 seems to have a tattoo.
