Saturday, June 4, 2016

SJPP to Orisson

If ever there was a day when it needed to be fine and clear, it was today.  It takes so much effort to climb into these mountains, you need the reward of splendid views!  And it didn't disappoint.

I left SJPP at 8.00 a.m., looking at an 8 km walk. I dawdled along; the joy of walking with no backpack cannot be overestimated. Groups of people passed me at great speed, puffing and panting and struggling with the weight of their packs. I must have held the record for going slowest and carrying least.

By 11.00a.m. I was enjoying a coffee at Honto, where there is a small guesthouse.  By 12.00, I had passed Kayola, which is a kind of overflow place for Orisson.  Orisson is another 800 m. up the hill, and a few disgruntled pilgrims were already walking back from there. Orisson is always in demand. In fact, it was the first place I booked back in January. This booking is like gold, which is why it was essential to get here on time in spite of the strikes.

It was a lovely walk, with views into the far distance and eagles soaring around overhead. I rounded a bend and there was Orisson ahead, pilgrims sitting out having lunch. I soon joined them with a beer and my picnic from St Jean. I have now been informed that the birds are Griffon Vultures.

36 set for dinner at Orisson. It was a jolly crowd from all over the world. The French domination is now at an end! We had :
Lentil soup
Chicken with fresh peas and potatoes
Almond cake

Leaving St Jean

Route Napoleon: the high route. I've done it once and I'll do it again!
Lovely views and sunshine

Lots of wildflowers

Looking back to St Jean

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