Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Aljucen to Alcuescar

Aljucen to Alcuescar 20 kms 

Dep A 9.15 am Arr 4.45 pm

I stayed last night at Hotel Aqua Libera, a place which tries to reconstruct a Roman lifestyle. There is a Roman bath house with various plunge pools: cold, cool, warm, hot. I only tried the last two!

I had dinner at The Parque cafe, where the pilgrims' menu was only. €7.50. I had mixed salad, calamares with chips and flan for dessert. It was a cold night, but I was nice and warm under a superb duvet.

Today was a replica of yesterday's weather: beautiful and sunny and still. Just perfect for walking! Not many pilgrims were on the trail again. Several cyclists passed me calling out "Buen Camino". I went through lots of cattle grids. 

At lunchtime, I was sitting on a stone bench contemplating how to cross a fast flowing stream, when two guys pulled up in a battered old car and started pulling out a picnic. They offered me coke or an orange. I said: can you help me cross? I am afraid!  

The stepping stones were very high and I was scared of falling off with my backpack. So one of them took my backpack and the other held onto me while I crossed. There is a myth about "camino angels" coming to the rescue and its true. These two came at the right time!

Thermal baths

One of many cattle grids on this stretch

Information board about the Via

Stepping stones

They look easy in the photo, but they weren't in reality!

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