Wednesday, March 21, 2018


At Gonzalez Byass:
Notes from the Bodega:

Pedro Ximenex and Palomino Fino are the type of white grapes used. The wine is stored in American oak barrels, which are kept for 35 to 40 yrs then sold to Scotland for whiskey production. Barrels are painted black, so that any leaks will shine on black. Also, it's easy to make chalk marks on the barrels during production. The mixing process, new with old vintage, is v important. Temperatures in the cellars btw 16 and 23 degrees and high humidity.
In one of the cellars, many celebrities and royals have been invited to sign barrels - including Prince Philip and Margaret Thatcher.

After the tour, we tasted 2 sherries: Tio Pepe Fino (dry) and Croft Original (sweet).

Barrels of their most popular sherry

Pretty street inside the Bodega


New phone cover in the shop

Leaving Hotel Casa Grande


  1. Somebody gave me a bottle of Casco de la Cruz just the other day. I've had a taste and I must say the contents are very agreeable.
