Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

It isn't easy to find your way around Caceres. I have to rely on Google maps, but there are so many tiny twisting cobbled streets that the satellite can't keep up with me. I set off this morning to go to the Torre de Bujaco, only 4 mins walk away, but found myself 10 mins away somehow!

Soon it appeared that everyone was heading in the opposite direction, all dressed for today's Good Friday procession: blue this time. I watched them manoevering the heavy float into position and the brass band tuning up.

When I eventually found the Tower I was looking for, I discovered that it had a superb birds eye view of the Plaza Mayor and another procession that was going by, this time the penitents all dressed in black and white. I am amazed how many people stand out in the cold, watching the processions go past. Each church in the city seems to send off a different one, in fact one went past my hotel at 10.45 last night.

This map looks simple, but believe me it isn't!

Preparing for the procession

This girl is holding her penitent's conical hat.

Brass band tuning up.

Raising the heavy float.

Another church, another float...

Torre de Bujaco

View from the tower over the Plaza Mayor.

The float in the black and white procession.

This VIP woman must be frozen!

View from my window of passerby in their winter woollies.

Caceres Parador - photo from website

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