Tuesday, March 20, 2018


We spent most of Monday in Cadiz. It was simply too windy for the scheduled coastal walk. The big Baroque Cathedral wasn't really to my taste, but there was the smaller Church of Santiago right next door. It suddenly occurred to me that I could get a stamp for my Ceredential, as Cadiz is the start of a pilgrimage route that goes to join the Via de la Plata in Seville. An elderly caretaker who was sweeping up was delighted to be asked for a stamp and took me behind the altar where the priests change their clothes. He then told me to go back to the Cathedral, as that should be the first stamp!

With the group, we went for a bracing walk along the promenade, observing the forts and watchtowers built to watch out for pirates who would attack boats bringing back gold and silver from South America.

Meanwhile Dora, one of our guides, was scouting around for a Tapas Bar that would serve a group of 12. They were all busy, but she used her charm on a highly recommended one and we all squashed in round 3 little tables. The food was superb! We've had so many delicious meals on this trip that I must have put on several kilos. One memorable tapa was goujons of hake with a sauce of tiny baby eels.

Then it was back in the bus to drive to Jerez where we are staying for 2 nights in the Casa Grande Hotel.

Tapas Restaurant

More photos from Fresco:

This arrow marks the start of the Camino near the Cathedral

The Santiago Church right next door

The group is on the Camino, but not for long!

The first two stamps in my credential

On the promenade, looking towards the Cathedral

Cadiz's wide and empty beach

Dora calling us to follow her to lunch

Tapas par excellance!

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