Friday, March 16, 2018

Sierra Nevada walk

A walk was planned in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with a checkpoint half way. Our little bus was waiting for us. Two of us (slower walkers) opted to jump on and get taken down into the town of Monachil for a coffee, thus avoiding a hard climb up and down. I am looking after myself so early in the holiday! The higher peaks up ahead are snow covered and the ski season is in full swing!

Dora, our guide, issues instructions to the group.

A proud horseman goes by!

Warming up in a bar. Only 8 degrees outside!


  1. Lovely pictures Margaret, and seeing you at the bar too. I never went to Alhambra on my journey in Spain but there is a book in the Norwich Library which is my favourite book which I borrow frequently - a picture book on Alhambra!

    Sounds like you are having a good time. x

  2. Yes, if only the weather would improve!
