Saturday, March 17, 2018


I thought Granada was wet, but it was nothing compared to the weather up here in Grazalema (up in the mountains near Ronda). It has poured down solidly all day. It came down in sheets for the 3 hour bus trip and we all got drenched in the 2 minute walk from the car park to the restaurant at lunchtime. It blew a few umbrellas inside out too! We were supposed to take a walk around Zahara, one of the picturesque "white villages", but we settled instead for a long lunch in a Moroccan restaurant. We had tabouli and couscous and vegetable tagine and spicy chicken pasties. The dishes kept appearing and we just kept eating. There was nothing else to do!

A white village from the bus.


Tea and sweet pastries

 Statue of Moorish warrior

These two don't care about the rain!

View over Grazalema and the lake

There was a power cut in the evening.
The whole village was blacked out.
Fortunately they were cooking with gas!
We discovered afterwards that Grazalema is the wettest village in Spain.

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