Sunday, June 5, 2022

A Castro to Villamaior

Today I walked my longest distance on this Camino (18 kms). It wasn’t too difficult, so my body must be getting stronger. I’m sitting down with a G and T at Casa de Amancio, celebrating the fact that I’ve almost done it and I’ll be in Santiago tomorrow!

The day was foggy at the start and there was low cloud cover all day.

Bracket fungus on a tree trunk.

The way went through woodland most of the day, the trees getting taller. It felt a bit like walking through Boranup Forest.

Two types of young Eucalyptus here, with Blue Gum on the left.

More bracket fungus in ideal damp conditions.

When I stopped for a coffee and consulted my guide (and some other people), I was amazed to find that I had somehow by-passed the town of Pedrouzo. I had followed some cyclists who themselves had asked the way from an old man. This is the place:

It’s called 15 Kilometres.

I chatted to an English family (Dad, Grandad, and two girls of about 8 and 10). I had seen them several times before; they are the only ones going along at the same speed as me!

This is them. I just took them setting off, as you are not supposed to photograph children’s faces these days.

I’d been hearing the sound of aircraft landing and revving up their engines for take-off. This is the end of the runway of Santiago Airport. The red and white structure is just for lights that warn pilots to stop!!

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