Friday, June 10, 2022

Final Day in Santiago

The Cathedral Museum took up most of the morning and I didn’t see everything. When I arrived at the Obradoiro Square, there was a tremendous racket going on: banging and trumpeting from a group outside the main doors of the Parador. It was a protest by Parador staff demanding a pay rise!

Protest seen from above.

The deafening racket went on for about two hours - all the time I was in the museum, anyway.

The first part of the exhibit was devoted to the work of Maestro Mateo, who was responsible for the design of the earliest part of the Cathedral. Much of what was on show had been discovered through archaeological excavations.

At this point, a security guard told me “No Photos” but I had already taken lots! When she had gone, I carried on:

From there, it was necessary to proceed to another part of the Cathedral building for the “permanent exhibition”.

This was in a secluded corner of the Cloister; it was the charcoal being prepared for the Botafumeiro in the Pilgrims Mass.

On the top floor was a display of tapestries, so intricate in their detail that they appeared to be paintings rather than fabrics.

After all that, I needed a sit down. Where better than the Parador lounge? After an Agua con Gas, I had a final explore of the Parador building:

An inner courtyard.

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