Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Melide to Arzua

Firstly I’d like to say how frustrating it is not to be able to leave comments on other people’s blogs, or even on my own. There are bits of advice on the internet on how to tackle the problem (and I thought I had it sorted on my laptop before I left home at Easter). However it’s not something I want to experiment with whilst on the road- and often too tired after a day’s walking. So, for those people who read my blog, I just want to explain that I read many blogs at night and have comments I’d like to leave - but I just can’t!

Another favourite Galician dish, enjoyed for dinner last night: Pimientos de Padron.

Some more views from my window in Hotel Luxe:

Storks nesting on top of the chimney opposite. I worry about their nest getting completely waterlogged with all the rain we’ve been having. They must have to hang onto their eggs or their chicks to stop them being washed away in the downpour.

The weather forecast was very uncertain again today and I knew there would be heavy showers at some point. I took the 9.55 bus from Melide to Arzua: a big blue and yellow Monbus, which I’d seen coming and going from my window. The stop was just down the road. There were plenty of passengers today and it was quite late.

When I got off at Arzua, the sun was out, so I had a coffee in the town centre and then set off on the 25 minute walk to the Pazo Santa Maria (1.5 kms off the Camino).

These Pazos are Country Houses, or Manor Houses for the well-to-do in the past, and now provide stylish accommodation for tourists. This one dates back to the 18th century. We stayed in several when I did my first Camino with Fresco Tours, but normally they are difficult to get to without a vehicle.

I arrived at midday but there was no possibility of checking in till 2.00 pm. A French couple had already arrived ahead of me and they were reclining in the garden on sun loungers.

We entertained ourselves by watching a family of swans and their cute cygnets:

Finally got into my room:

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