Saturday, July 11, 2015

Broome Day Two

Broome Saturday Markets  are a "must do". They are as vibrant as ever, more so!  We all bought something, except J. For E a glass lizard, for M a print of Kimberly wildlife, for C a Japanese papier-mâché bangle.

Morning tea in town at Dragonfly Cafe. Then on to Broome Jetty. We walked along to the end, and observed a small cruise ship with its own helicopter. There was also a rig tender and lorries were delivering fuel, water, pipes and other supplies. We saw several people fishing and one man caught a 50 centimetre large fish to his delight. C observed an osprey flying back and forth over the jetty looking for a feed.

In the evening we went for a swish meal at the Cable Beach Club Sunset Bar: J and M had barrundi, E had snapper and C had a delicious bouillabaisse. We were too full for dessert. M just caught the last of the sunset before the others arrived.

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